budding up
Blue Angel
However I had one odd ball from the same group of 3 year olds that is the complete opposite of the green ones. I call it Oddball as so far in the 3 years of growth, it's done something different every year. The first year it stayed tiny while the other ones grew gangbusters and had paler leaves until later in the summer where it became green. The second year it started out with pale leaves and a few stripes randomly on a few of the leaves but it stayed small. The stripes faded as the leaves darkened for the summer. Note the thinner shaped leaves as well. This year it's still small. It makes a nice mini sized clump in full summer. This spring the leaves are clearly yellow as well.
I've experimented with growing hostas from seed. The majority of the batch looks like the big green leafed one below with very nice flowers when it blooms. They are 3 year old plants now and the green ones are going to be quite large. This one is the largest of the seedlings--most vigorous. There are little difference other then that in the others except a slight difference in the shapes of the leaves but I like how the edges are kind of wavy on this one.
budding up
However I had one odd ball from the same group of 3 year olds that is the complete opposite of the green ones. I call it Oddball as so far in the 3 years of growth, it's done something different every year. The first year it stayed tiny while the other ones grew gangbusters and had paler leaves until later in the summer where it became green. The second year it started out with pale leaves and a few stripes randomly on a few of the leaves but it stayed small. The stripes faded as the leaves darkened for the summer. Note the thinner shaped leaves as well. This year it's still small. It makes a nice mini sized clump in full summer. This spring the leaves are clearly yellow as well.