Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm a bit upset--but only a little.

So I had decided to take a little vacation. A long weekend really and before I made my plans I asked my evening co-workers if they had requested any of those days already with the boss. They said "no" so I went ahead, put my card in for the time off and made my plans--which was to meet up with some friends and go backpacking.

Well, when the new schedule got made up, I did not get all the days I requested. I asked why. Turns out one of the co-workers I asked HAD put in for one of the days. Well COL! (Cuss out loud). I had been willing to chose different dates should I had know but since no one fessed up, I had went ahead and made the plans with my friends....plans that can't be changed because of permits, etc. SO now because I am off by one day I cannot go :(. Which made me a bit mad. All someone had to say was they wanted those days and I would of chosen different ones but since I'm the lowest on the totem if someone else wanted the days they got them instead of me.

So now I will have only 4 days off, and nowhere to go.

Well, then I got to thinking. I could go ahead and take a road trip and camp along the way, all by my lonesome self which would actually cost way more money then my original plan was (and getting campsites without pre-reserving them over a weekend is iffy). OR I could go ahead and take that money I would of used for something I've been wanting a long time. I told Wonder Husband what I thought and asked his thoughts on the matter. He did not seem distraught at the idea. "What ever you want, wife." (I love those words, BTW) "But can we not eat them this time?" And in addition to this thing I want I could also get a lot done in the garden and maybe even start some fall stuff which I really should be doing anyway.

So now I'm not so upset anymore, even though I was looking forward to my mini vacation which I needed very badly.

So what is this "thing?"

A nice well made rabbit hutch. Sure I could "try" to build one myself. Lets just gloss over the fact that I'm terrible at following directions and have never built something from scratch before. I would need to buy the tools, (and store those tools somewhere where they will likely never get used again), the raw materials, etc, etc, and find the time to build something that doesn't fall to pieces with the first tiny windstorm here. Lets ignore also my strange ability to get injured during the most mundane of tasks too.(try breaking over 20 bones in your life and not be a bit skeptical about your clumsiness)  OK, so I'm the one that wants to be "more self reliant" in life here. You would think I would set my butt down and try to figure out how to do this myself. But sometimes I have to take shortcuts as I do work-40-60 hour weeks, on top of trying to can everything, garden, walk the dogs, feed all the critters, etc, etc, etc. you have to understand that sometimes time IS costly and it would cost me less just to buy the darn thing at this point in my life. Maybe someday I will have time to devote to doing such things on my own but at this point, no way. And so, I will buy one. Heck, I had the money set aside anyway and this will help provide free weed removal and fertilizer for my garden too.

We are thinking Rex bunnies are what we want. But Mike wants the standard size. I think they eat way too much just for a "pet" rabbit, something we are not going to butcher to our freezer and that mini-Rex's would be better for us, feed and grain wise. We have time to decide though. I'll get the hutch and everything for it first. And as for having a run for them, I have a very large wire bottom dog crate that would work great as a daytime grazing cage for the bunnies (I want 2 of them) that I can move around and where they can get some outside cage time so there will be no need to buy one for them. I can cover that with a tarp to shade them or keep them dry easily enough.

What do you think of my new plan??? I can't wait for Friday to get here!

1 comment:

  1. You'll LOVE the Rexs! Both varieties are great, but my personal favorite are the standards. They are soo sweet and easy to handle. I currently have 4 standard rexs (castors and you can see pics of them in my last blog post) and plan on getting a nice trio of Black Otters (my favorite color) in early winter. We had a pet lynx mini rex and she was a doll too, but since I am breeding for home meat/fur use (and lets be honest, a few pets as well, lol) I wanted a rabbit that could multi-function. I also have Californians, but they are awful, mean and timid so I'm planning on getting out of Cali's and trading in for some Silver Foxes. My husband is just thrilled that my "I only want 3 rabbits" has turned into this lil' obsession! haha

    Wire bottom dog crates work great for grazing too. That's what I did in the begining with mine. Now I have a fenced and covered area just off my rabbit barn that cats, dogs and birds can't get to (wanted to cut down on the risk of my rabbits picking up parasites from other animals using their grazing area as a potty). I planted a mix of grasses in there and take a lawn chair and a bunny in there to graze. It's oddly relaxing just to sit in there with a book and a happily grazing bunny.

    Good luck to you!

    Best Wishes,
